Secular Institute of Committed Catholic Women throughout the World

The Oblate Missionaries of Mary Immaculate are women of faith, lay women, consecrated to God, committed to living the Gospel at the heart of the world.

As members of a Secular Institute, they live in the same conditions as their contemporaries and they share their common concerns.

They are present in various milieus (family, ecclesial, professional, social, and cultural) through a trade or profession of their choice. The Oblates consecrate their lives to God. By their presence and their work, they contribute to the transformation of the world from within in the manner of leaven.

The Oblates commit themselves by vows to keep:

  • their hearts free for universal and unconditional love;
  • their hands free to share with others, in a spirit of solidarity;
  • their spirits free to be available to God and to others.

Jesus is the fascinating figure who inspires them to offer their lives to God in order to realize their deep desire to create a better world as they continue to exercise their trade or profession without changing their normal living conditions. The gift of their life is fulfilling; it gives meaning to their whole existence.


Secular Institute The Oblate Missionaries of Mary Immaculate

  • Presence of God
  • Abstention from destructive criticism, interior and exterior
  • Abstention from useless complaint, interior and exterior
  • Being of service
  • Peacemaker

Secular Institute The Oblate Missionaries of Mary Immaculate

Headquarters :
7625, boul. Parent
Trois-Rivières (Québec)
G9C 0M5

Phone : (819) 375-7317
Fax : (819) 691-1769

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