Prayers from Father Parent, O.M.I.


Lord, grant that
where the world is at the moment,
I put the presence of God,
where there is slander, backbiting and prejudice,
I put the absence of criticism, respect for others,
where there is moaning, complaining, whispering,
I put the absence of useless complaint,
a sense of wonder,
where there is incompetency, laziness, selfishness,
self-interest, putting myself first and others second,
I put service, devotion, the gift of myself,
where there is disagreement, dispute, trouble,
controversy, discussion,
I bring peace.

Lord, make me a source
an element, a craftsman, a maker of peace,
a vehicle of charity, a prophet of hope
with the way of thinking of someone resurrected.

Lord, make me live the spirit of the Beatitudes,
make me a builder of your Kingdom,
model me on the heart of Mary. Amen.

Excerpt from the book: “Je t’accueille”, page 161, (in French only)
Father Louis-Marie Parent, O.M.I.

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