
norwayOur journey as Oblates is one of unwavering faith and profound challenges. Our brochure, with its thrilling words and captivating images, resonates deeply, igniting a spark within those who seek a path of faith and service.

Years ago, when I first came across our brochure, I was captivated by the words “Faith and Challenge.” I felt called to join the Institute but my family opposed it. Yet, my faith had already been shaped by a powerful experience in my adolescence—an encounter where I was miraculously saved from a grave situation. I had unknowingly walked into danger, but God, in His infinite mercy, had chosen me for Himself. This moment became the cornerstone of my life, anchoring me in the belief that if I remained faithful to Him, He would always take care of me. “If anyone declares publicly that he belongs to me, I will do the same for him before my Father in heaven” (Mt 10:32).

Throughout my journey, faith and challenge have gone hand in hand. I have encountered numerous moments that tested my courage and commitment. Two experiences stand out vividly: During my formation period, I was one of three formees working as teachers at a government school. One of our colleagues, a Hindu teacher, faced a dire situation—her mother was hospitalized, and she had no one to care for her. We sought permission to assist her, and while two of us from OMMI were granted leave, the other formée from a different secular institute was denied permission. We wholeheartedly served the ailing mother, earning not only blessings but also immense respect for OMMI. The incident was a testament to our charism—serving selflessly, beyond barriers of religion or background.«««««

Another test of faith arose when a bright and talented young woman, one of my students, faced an uncertain future. She was pursued by a young man deeply in love with her .She had a medical condition that prevented her from bearing children. But this Young man, upon learning of her condition, remained steadfast in his love.

Faith guided us as we sought counsel from Canon law experts, physicians, psychologists, and surgeons. To make their union valid, a major surgery was required—a deeply personal and confidential matter, especially within the cultural fabric of Kerala. The family, unable to handle the situation alone, turned to me for help. It was a daunting request—I had to take leave, obtain permissions, and most importantly, maintain strict confidentiality. Some fellow Oblates opposed my involvement, but my Directress supported me and I accompanied the young woman through her medical journey. The operation was successful, but I faced a lot challenges being alone in a strange place and I too was very young. I turned to prayer, drawing strength from God. Eventually, she recovered, and after six months, she and her beloved entered a blessed marriage, later adopting two beautiful children.

These experiences reaffirmed my belief—without faith, one cannot embrace challenges. Our charism calls us to a life of constant availability to the will of the Father. As Fr. Parent wisely said, “My neighbours give me the opportunity to discover in them the image of God.”As Oblates, we are women of faith and challenge, strengthened by the mission to serve. In every act of courage and compassion, we witness His presence, transforming lives and glorifying His name.

Valsamma Joseph, Oblate, Kerala, India

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