Texts taken from the books of Fr. Louis-Marie Parent
The present moment is given to us
to create marvels.
A perfect today
influences an unknown tomorrow
and repairs yesterday’s deficiencies.
If a person wants to repair the past,
they must put perfection
into the present moment.
Each day they must seek cheerfulness
with the same energy as a bee,
who flies enormous distances
to collect the pollen
that it transforms into delicious honey.
How many persons rush around all their lives,
struggling, losing sleep,
irritating their nervous system,
wanting to reach the heights
be it of riches, sexual pleasure,
or the intoxication of power,
without ever getting there,
dying without ever having been happy.
To forget the present moment
in order to deplore the past
is a waste of time;
it is risking to destroy oneself
by piling up regrets and
useless or harmful sentiments of guilt.
To forget the present moment
in order to be concerned
only with the future
is and illusion;
it is a dream;
it is utopia.
To by happy
we must be attentive to all
whom our lives touch in a day.
We must make an effort
to detect the positive in them
whether it be an attitude, a judgement
or an agreeable quality.
Each time that we speak
of someone we know,
we must have enough
lucidity, intelligence,
and imagination to be able
to say something agreeable
about them.
Other are put on my route
like flowers on the route of the bee:
we approach them only to discover
the best that is in them.
Excerpt on the book “The Present Moment”, pages 19-20, Father Louis-Marie Parent, O.M.I.