Saturday, 01 June 2019 21:49

A world of beauty

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Denise Gagné, artist
Remember the beautiful embroidery work our grandmothers used to stitch? Remember how we often said, our eyes wide-open in wonder, "What a gorgeous tablecloth!", or, "What a grand centre piece!"?
Today we showcase Denise Gagné's exceptional talent - nimble fingers at work in samples of her Hardanger, Schwalm, Mosaic and White embroidery.
Embroidery opens onto a world of beauty. This handiwork is an art designed to create marvels.
We can not hope for fullness of life without nurturing fullness of the soul. To give life to the soul of the world we must, ourselves, become beauty. Where we are must be more beautiful than it was before our arrival because of our presence.
Contemplatives dismiss disorder from their life, surround themselves with beauty, and consciously, relentlessly, with persistence, radiate beauty till the milieu for which they are responsible begins to reflect pure beauty - the beauty of God.
Extract from "Living in the Light" by Joan Chittister

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