Friday, 20 March 2020 22:18

Spirit of solidarity and sharing

coin artiste tricot bonh jacquelined ang 


Allow me to introduce my little friends. I have been knitting them for the past two years and, at this point, have parted with almost three hundred of them. I give some away but sell most of them. The proceeds go to the missions, especially to my sister's mission in the Congo.
I enjoy this pastime that calls for creativity and occupies my free moments. Producing them pleases me and those who give or receive them well as the missionaries who benefit from the money raised.
It promotes a spirit of solidarity and sharing in the residence where live. Many women offer me patterns, stuffing material and wool for knitting. Not only I have not had to buy even a centimetre of wool since the beginning, I have a supply in stock.
This pastime began when I thought of making two bunnies to give a great-niece as a welcome gift. Since I needed small amounts of wool of different colors, I paid a visit to a neighbor who provided as I had hoped. She is the one who encouraged me to make a project of it.
And there you go! I have been knitting since.
Jacqueline D.

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