Friday, 20 December 2024 07:42

The Oblate missionaries of Mary Immaculate - in Viêtnam

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The founding day of the Secular of OMMI in Vietnam can be seen as the day the OMMI was born and present in Vietnam and is specially
celebrated every 5 years.

This is an opportunity to express joy in offering words of gratitude and appreciation for the great happiness that God has loved and blessed,
created according to His eternal plan, while also remembering Father Louis-Marie Parent, an O.M.I. priest, who collaborated with God's intention
to realize a desire for the initial presence of OMMI in Canada in 1952... and subsequently in other countries.

With gratitude towards Father Parent and the pioneering oblates, we would like to record here the journeys and beloved faces along with the
generous hearts of those who contributed to the establishment of the OMMI Group in Vietnam.

1 p.parent bw2 theresa ton nu gia hieuIn 1963, Father Louis-Marie Parent came to Vietnam and met Ms. Theresa Tôn Nữ Gia Hiếu, after which she went to Canada with him and joined the Institute in Canada the same year.

In 1964, two Canadian oblates (Fernande Trudeau and Margot Godbout) came to Vietnam as nurse, serving poor patients in Binh Loi.


4 mary cecile tran thi chuyenHere, Ms. Mary-Cécile Trân Thi Chuyên had the opportunity to meet these two oblates and joined the Institute.

In 1966 , Later, she went to Laos for missionary work.

In September 1967, Ms. Tôn Nữ Gia Hiếu returned to Vietnam, and not long after, Ms. Chuyên also returned to Vietnam to live together under one roof on Yên Đổ Street.

3 mary theresa mai thi kim tuyenOn March 3, 1969, Ms. Mary Theresa Mai Thi Kim Tuyên came and joined the Institute.

In August 1970, Ms. Chuyên went to Laos to work.

On May 14, 1975, she moved from Laos to Canada, as she could not return to Vietnam after the events of 1975.

At General Assembly in 1974; Tôn Nữ Gia Hiếu became a Member elected in the Administrative Council (1974-1977)

1975: Ms. Tôn Nữ Gia Hiếu returned to Vietnam .

November 14, 1975: Ms. Tôn Nữ Gia Hiếu passed away due to throat cancer.

From then on, Ms. Kim Tuyên lived alone for a few years…

Until March 19, 1979, Mary Theresa Doan Thi Ngoc Diêp joined after a year of discernment.

Since 1983 and in the following years, several sisters have joined and some others have withdrawn.

6 oblates au vietnamIn 1983, there was Nguyên Ngoc Thanh; in 1993, Pham Thi Thanh Huong; in 1997, Nguyên Thi Tuyêt; in 2005, Nguyên Thi Lan Phuong; and in 2011, Lê Thi Minh Tiên…

Living the spirituality and charism of the Institute, each Vietnamese oblate aspires to fulfill the promise made to the venerable Founder - Father Louis-Marie Parent, O.M.I., who is in heaven and intercedes for each of us.

That we will:
• accept the oblates as they are
• keep each one of them in our thoughts
• strive to think well of each person
• always respect one another
• admire each other's growth
• encourage them in their needs
• wish to emulate the goodness of each person
• treat each other as we wish to be treated ourselves
• live in dialogue, in places where there is sharing, harmony, and peace.

6 OBLATES IN VIETNAM (left to right):
HUONG-1993  /  DIÊP-1979  / TUYÊT-1997 / THANH-1983 / PHUONG-2005 / TIÊN-2011


Returned to the house of the Father
May 17, 2009 
2 theresa ton nu gia hieuTHERESA TÔN NU GIA HIEU
Returned to the house of the Father. 
November 11th, 1975 
3 mary theresa mai thi kim tuyenMARY- THERESA MAI THI KIM TUYÊN
Returned to the house of the Father.
January 9th, 2009
4 mary cecile tran thi chuyenFrom 1975 , MARY-CECILE TRÂN THI CHUYÊN        
Integrating into the life of the oblates in Canada
5 jacinta uong ngoc nga bwFrom 2008. JACINTA DUONG NGOC NGA
Continue living as an Oblate in Virginia, USA.







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