To tell the truth my daily life is very simple. My day begins with a time of prayer that prepares me to fully live the present moment and disposes me to be available for whatever the day will bring.
The spirituality I live from day to day - I call it my recipe for happiness – helps me to respond with love to the needs of my companions who are ill. I make myself available as well to respond to other needs that arise.
Since I am a people-person who loves to help others, I am often asked by neighbors to accompany their little ones to daycare. Recently the daycare personnel organized a party for the children and asked that each child by accompanied by a grandparent. One 5-year-old had lost all four grandparents. In tears, he went to his mother and said, “Mom, I want Madame Poulin to come to the party with me!”How could I resist! I accepted readily and went with pleasure. The daycare personnel commented on how proud and happy I had made that little boy. As a result, one morning a week last year I walked the child to his daycare. Webecamegood buddies. It is a delight for me to be a friendly presence for that family.From time to time I share good home-made soup with them. Occasional their two children drop by to visit with me.
My daily mission boils down to many small services but small services don’t make my mission less great.
Thank you, Lord, for these many opportunities to sow joy and be of service.
Yvette P.
Saturday, 26 September 2020 09:29
My mission at the heart of daily life
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