Friday, 18 January 2019 18:10

Pauline Charest : author of a new book

Retired from the job market, Pauline was looking for a way to satisfy her love of the written word. This led to the discovery of a creative writing workshop. After five ten-week sessions, she began writing a novel, a long-term project.

In November, Pauline launched her book entitled, Arlette: Three Quarters of a Century of Educational Itinerancy. She carried out this project for her family but also for the Oblates, for the organization Comsep (Le Centre d’organisation mauricien de services et d’éducation populaire) and the Filles d'Is-abelle, groups she has been involved in for many years. Her book was launched at the residence where she lives. Several friends and participants of her writing workshop attended the event.

pauline charestOn the back cover of the book, the inspiring summary reads as follows:

Family education colours the lives of Arlette and her siblings. Her mother and fa-
ther’s deep faith, transmitted not only to their family, but also to their neighbours,
inspires their children to live a life of service to others. Their influence leaves an
important impression on Arlette. Gifts inherited from her parents unfold throughout
her life and draw the landscape of her educational itinerancy. At the dawn of her
eighties, Pauline undertakes to recount the many meanderings of her journey.

Pauline hopes the reading of her book will provoke moments of wonder and laughter just as she experienced them. (The book is french only)

Pauline passed away December 27   2018

By Marie Martineau

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