Wednesday, 31 August 2022 20:26

Spirituality has given meaning to my life

heartI joined the OMMI at the age of 47. I had been having strong feelings about my calling for several months, and things changed quickly when I got to know the Institute. My formation was intense. I learned a lot about the Church and our Institute and how to live the spirituality that has given meaning to my life.

I am inspired by the lives of my companions who have lived their consecration for many more years than I have. My daily life is "perfumed" by the Charity of Christ. The members of my team are also my friends.

I love the Church despite its imperfections and widespread criticism. The OMMI in North America is diminishing, but I know that the Institute will continue to flourish in other regions. We can be proud of our history.

Judi Mallett, Ottawa




Photo: Un perfekt de Pixabay

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