Sunday, 29 September 2024 14:48

The Spirituality of the Institute at the Heart of My Life

georgetteIn December 1954, I was called to leave behind everything, much like the Apostles, in response to a clear and compelling call from Jesus. With a heavy heart and to the dismay of my supervisors and colleagues at Atelier de Haute Couture Jean Fortin in Quebec City, I made the decision to leave a job I loved to join this promising new project. It was a commitment I felt deeply and intended to uphold for life.

This calling led me to embrace a transformative approach, grounded in the five attitudes of life, which has proven to be an invaluable tool for enriching our search for meaning. Even after 70 years, I continue to adapt and apply this simple yet profound method in my daily life.
How can I repay the Lord for all the good he does for me? Thanksgiving and adoration keep me awake for so many blessings received and shared. I’m thinking of the formation (training) received by our Founder Father Parent and his colleague Father Gauthier, the head of the Institute Reine-Aimée and all those who have assumed great responsibilities in the various countries where we have been established. It’s also important to emphasize the importance of ongoing formation, which has never been neglected. Your fraternal welcome and your personal and collective commitment have made life easier and more beautiful.

Let’s reflect on the present moment, as we evolve into a true Secular Institute, bringing glory to the Father, our Founder, and all those who contributed to the formulation of our latest Constitutions. Renewing our Charism and Mission, both in content and expression, has brought a profound sense of liberation and joy to my spirit.

Throughout this journey, I have faced mistakes, team conflicts, and the process of forgiveness, each leading to significant personal and collective transformations. These challenges have been the cost of freedom and peace, forging stronger connections with the Creator and nurturing fraternal bonds.

tchadquebecI have traveled extensively across Quebec, from Cap-de-la-Madeleine and Trois-Rivières to Saint-Jérôme, Gaspé, and Québec Jésus-Ouvrier.My travels also took me throughout the province, engaging with Volunteers andbuilding fraternal ties. This path led me to the impactful Mission in Chad, Africa, and later to Trois-Rivières Head Office, Quebec Chemin St-Louis, and currently, Lévis R.P.A. (residence for the elderly).

Reflecting on my 27 years in Chad fills me with deep emotion and a sense of timelessness. I am profoundly grateful to my family, the Oblates, and all my friends across the years. Your support and kindness have been a source of strength and confidence. How magnificent are your works, Lord!

Georgette Bisson

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