As I age, age, I no longer engage in scheduled activities. I try to live charity in the ordinariness of everyday life. Pope Francis' encyclical "Fratelli Tutti" challenges me very strongly on the quality of my relationship with others.
Expressing oneself, listening to each other, looking at each other, getting to know each other, trying to understand each other, looking for opportunities to connect, all of this can be summed up by the verb `` to dialogue '' (FT, #198), be it with relatives, neighbors, villagers, parishioners or companions whether in writing or by telephone. When the weather permits, my sister and I walk around the village. We greet everyone; the response is always very cordial. The conversation easily takes on a very positive and even edifying tone concerning all that makes up the life of a village:
- In the morning, when I wake up, I ask my sister: "Did you sleep well?" The conversation begins with planning the unfolding of the day: appointments, walk, meals, etc. Having recently undergone surgery she needs help.
- A neighbor, whose husband suffered a serious stroke during the first lock-down, often laments: "Why us? Is he going to walk again?" I listen and I remind her of everything that doctors and various support agencies do for him every day.
- M. comes out of his garden. “Have you already planted? Oh no, it's too cold.” The dialogue begins: “Every morning and every evening I speak to God. I thank Him for life, for the good soil that I cultivate, for what I will plant and harvest,” he says, adding, "I don't know if it's a prayer but it makes me feel good". I reassure him. "Of course it's a prayer."
- F. is 90 years old. He lives alone. Every Sunday, I bring him Communion and he always tells me the same things: his illnesses, the number of grandchildren he has. I tell him about mass I just attended. Every Sunday it's the same repetition, but his thanks and his smile become a moment of grace for me.
- Today I meet with a lady who knits wool squares then sews them together to make pretty blankets. My task is to deliver these to others who channel them to charities. We have a good chat. She doesn't go out anymore. Nonetheless, she is up-to-date on all the news and she loves everyone!
The meeting itself is trivial but recognizing the Presence of God in it is a requirement for living the charity of Christ.
Jeannette M.
Friday, 28 May 2021 22:32
Charity of Christ from day to day
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