In 1952, Father Louis-Marie Parent, O.M.I., our founder, was inspired by the Holy Spirit to found our Secular Institute, the Oblate Missionaries of Mary Immaculate. During these 70 years of existence, our Institute has done wonders through the members who devote themselves without counting all over the world for the greater glory of God and the salvation of souls. Oh yes! The Lord is good for having preserved our Institute in his love in the midst of the world for 70 years.
We give thanks and pray hoping for new vocations. We need young people to take over. For this, pray to the Lord to send us workers because they are few and the harvest is abundant. Also, we ask the Lord for more unity among us. From where he is, Father Parent sees us, he continues to love us.
At home in Haiti, it is the presence of God that made it possible to see and experience the 70th anniversary of our dear Institute.
Considering the political situation in our country, we live in faith the events that could cause us to give up to the mission that God has entrusted to us. No matter how small, our faith is not shaken, because God is always with us.
Our spiritual activities, like the annual retreat and our quarterly meetings are physically interrupted because our movements are limited. This is especially the case for our companions who are in missions in the South.
Sometimes we feel overwhelmed by the events we face. Let us give thanks to God who allows us to remain united through social networks and through the living of our spirituality. We help each other, organize and try to adapt to the situation in the country. We live in the moment.
For this, despite everything, let us make this 70th anniversary a moment of thanksgiving, of gratitude to the Lord who loves us with an unfathomable love. Thank you also to the Most Blessed Virgin Mary who never ceases to wrap us in her mantle. We hope that this 70th anniversary is for us a momentum towards a new beginning that pushes us forward despite the wind and the tide. I wish you all a happy 70th anniversary.
Marie-Bruna M. Haïti