Acts of charity in various environments.
My name is Jeannette Amadis, Oblate of the Republic of Mauritius.
In my life, through my commitments, I practice acts of charity in various environments. In my family, I look after my older brother (aged 80), who has Alzheimer's, which requires me to be patient and listen to his needs.
I help out in my parish because I'm a member of the pastoral leadership team. There's always a lot to do, especially when the priest is away, because someone has to lead liturgical celebrations.
Being a seamstress, I'm available to sew clothes as required.
In the Secular Institute of the Oblate Sisters, I'm always ready to give advice. I pray for each member of my family and friends.
I help young people who have material or other needs.I look after the grandchildren in the parish and in the family.
I always maintain a good relationship with neighbours of other religions and other people I meet through “greetings” or “smiles”.
And that's it! All this makes me very happy.

I try to stay alert to the calls of events
In my day-to-day life, I try to stay alert to the calls of events. When I go to meet someone at the Retirement Home (Residence), where my visit is always appreciated, I ask myself: What little thing could I bring a lady to make her happy? Fruit? Homemade jam? One day, I made vegetable soup, so I brought her some. What a joy! I had made her happy with so little. Being attentive to people opens the door to unexpected ideas and pleasures that can be shared.
I'm also involved in an IDM association (burying our dead with dignity, for people who are alone and without financial means). The Town Hall takes care of the expenses, informs the president of IDM of the death, who informs the members of the association. Those who are able to do so accompany the deceased, so that they do not depart alone.
One day, when I was notified of a death, I wasn't available. But when I saw the name of the deceased, I was struck by the fact that she was a nurse's aide in the same clinic as I was, and we bumped into each other from time to time.
So, I moved my appointment to pay my last respects. I was saddened to learn that she had died alone, at home, with no family and no-one to accompany her. But I give thanks to the Lord, because that day there were two members of the association present. I invited the funeral directors to join us before the burial, so she departed surrounded by human brotherhood.
A phrase of Benedict XVI often comes to mind: “To be in the world, with the Heart of God”. To do this, we need to draw as much love as possible from the Heart of Jesus, to rely on the graces He gives us, in complete trust, without worrying about ourselves, with all the obstacles we have created, without reason, to let His Love work through us.
Marie Milan